Blockchain and crypto technology are gaining increasing attention globally and locally in Hong Kong. In this ever-changing industry, our blockchain and crypto translation experts based in Hong Kong are ready to fulfill your language needs in cryptocurrency-related translation. We strive to provide textually consistent content, while leveraging the most relevant innovative terminology. So your firm can focus on crypto business expansion and blockchain innovation. Mergon Creative‘s Hong Kong blockchain and crypto translators are highly experienced in areas from distributed, token-based business solutions, digital wallet, cryptocurrency trading, to online banking, mobile payment, and a spectrum of fintech solutions.
Our projects cover decentralized finance (DeFi) translation, cryptocurrency translation, blockchain translation, whitepaper translation, initial coin offering (ICO) document translation and more. Due to the highly technical terminologies and fast-changing innovative technologies in the blockchain industry, our exceptional translation quality and high turnaround speed have been critical to building a trustful relationship between our clients and our translation teams.



Why do you need blockchain and cryptocurrency translation service?
In Hong Kong, translation for blockchain and crypto content is essential for blockchain and crypto trading companies, as well as blockchain developers and research analysts who wish to expand their industry audience. As English is the globally accepted language for business and most of the global finance operations are carried out in English, the growth in blockchain and crypto translation demand is exponential in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Due to the complexity in blockchain translation, it has been one of the most challenging sectors for most translators. In view of these, Mergon Creative has recruited and trained a team of translation experts in the blockchain and crypto arena. With the technical experience in the industry, we can deeply understand what our clients truly want.
Our services
Our Hong Kong crypto translation service covers a spectrum of blockchain and crypto content including but not limited to:
Blockchain translation
Whitepaper translation
Initial coin offering (ICO) translation
Crypto marketing translation
Investor communications translation
Business proposals translation
Blockchain research paper translation
Blockchain analysis report translation
DeFi project translation